Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for August 21, 2012
Rose: Jimbo, do you think that would be a nice outfit for Abby's party? Jimbo: Sure...the rib knit upholstery will be comfortable and easy to clean... Jimbo: The twilight blue skirt with crystal red pinstripes is stylish! Jimbo: If you really want it...we'll insist on the extended warranty! Rose: Never mind!
dsidney49 over 12 years ago
Did you hear that noise? That was testosterone leaving the area!!!
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
Apparently, Jimbo likes mixing apples and oranges, …fruit cocktail, even! (Snagglepuss)
TheSkulker over 12 years ago
Now that’s saying no with style!
ewalnut over 12 years ago
If both of them liked it, why didn’t they get it?
Tue Elung-Jensen over 12 years ago
He should barter… she gets the dress and he gets his grill.
davanden over 12 years ago
Jimbo should know that extended warranties are for suckers.
Jkiss over 12 years ago
Hey guys don’t berate Jimbo. Some men are good at picking out clothes for their women. My hubby is all man and dresses me better than I dress myself. I’m more of a jeans and T-shirt gal. I’ve never been a fashionista and he simply knows what will look good on me when I have to dress up.
Kydex29 over 12 years ago
This is SO me and my wife. She loves that I take an interest in what looks good on her, and that leads better mutual recognition of retail needs. (c:
hedgehog182 over 12 years ago
Maybe he’s still angling for that new Bar-B-Que!
David Smirh over 12 years ago
I’ve been a fan of this strip a long time, but someone please help me, what’s going on here ? Upholstery ? What pinstripes ? Extended warranty ? In the second frame, Jimbo seems to be referring to furniture, the last frame, an appliance. And why is Rose so happy at the end ?
terrystouffer over 12 years ago
Jim is describing the dress as he would describe a new car he may be looking for. Rose finds this side of Jim lovable
David Smirh over 12 years ago
Thanks Terry. What threw me was the extended warranty comment. That’s generally something you hear at an appliance store, not an auto dealership.
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
I liked today’s comic.
MadYank over 12 years ago
Jimbo is smarter (and slicker) than you’re all giving him credit for. Watch this space – he just got his new grill from all that, betcha…Or MY name isn’t Jim, too!
StoicLion1973 over 12 years ago
Wait…Jimbo couldn’t even dream of the BBQ from last week?