Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for November 19, 2013
Lady: Hi, Rose! Jenny is selling candles for a school fundraiser...can we count on you? Rose: Pasquale is in Jenny's class, Pam! He has to sell candles, too! Lady: Good luck! Lady: People just aren't buying candles...have we have to be unrelenting! I'll put you down for three! Rose: Pick me out some nice ones!
I’d just march down to the school and tell the principal and teachers what they can do with their candles. Somehow, in the sixties, we got by on the school budgets without having fund-raisers. Of course, school administrators didn’t get six-figure salaries, non-teaching staff at the school district offices didn’t outnumber the teachers they way they do now days and they didn’t squander half the budget on in-service days and making up Mission and Vision Statements, either.