Eternal torture in hell? The Judeo-Christian-Islamic invisible sky god of Abraham is just a TYPICAL ABUSER. A Torturer.
“I love you ‘unconditionally’ — but you better love me back or I’ll torture you forever in eternal ‘fireboarding’.”
The threat of fireboarding torture is just typical empty-rhetoric scare tactics trying to frighten people into sheep-like compliance.
If you thought the torture of WATERBOARDING for a few minutes for blowing up buildings and killing / maiming thousands of innocent civilians was a terrible crime against humanity, wait until you see the never ending torture of FIREBOARDING for all eternity.
…by a “loving god” — because “he loves us” and if we don’t love him back he’ll torture us forever, for the heinous crime of not joining the right team.
Eternal torture in hell? The Judeo-Christian-Islamic invisible sky god of Abraham is just a TYPICAL ABUSER. A Torturer.
“I love you ‘unconditionally’ — but you better love me back or I’ll torture you forever in eternal ‘fireboarding’.”
The threat of fireboarding torture is just typical empty-rhetoric scare tactics trying to frighten people into sheep-like compliance.
If you thought the torture of WATERBOARDING for a few minutes for blowing up buildings and killing / maiming thousands of innocent civilians was a terrible crime against humanity, wait until you see the never ending torture of FIREBOARDING for all eternity.
…by a “loving god” — because “he loves us” and if we don’t love him back he’ll torture us forever, for the heinous crime of not joining the right team.