Sounds like a good deal for her — she doesn’t have to worry about him meeting another woman, he won’t be planning any nights out with the boys, and she can count on getting a lot of attention from him. But she’ll have to refrain from complaining, “You never take me anywhere.”
Superfrog about 4 years ago
He just wants you to do a little light house work.
Concretionist about 4 years ago
Back in the days of vacuum tubes, some of them had a “keeper” anode whose purpose was to “keep it clean” by attracting extra atoms. AKA “getter”.
gopher gofer about 4 years ago
she’s seeing him in a new light…
Gent about 4 years ago
Great. Now your life will never be filled with darkness again.
geese28 about 4 years ago
If the roles were switched my girlfriend would be rapunzel
donwalter about 4 years ago
Nyckname about 4 years ago
My dream job, as long as it has a fast Interwebs connection.
otforever about 4 years ago
She loves that he’s always up.
Michael G. about 4 years ago
He has many bright ideas!
Ratkin Premium Member about 4 years ago
He has many good stories.
sandflea about 4 years ago
She gets to blow his fog horn too.
phillip_carr about 4 years ago
Bet he lites up her life
paullp Premium Member about 4 years ago
Sounds like a good deal for her — she doesn’t have to worry about him meeting another woman, he won’t be planning any nights out with the boys, and she can count on getting a lot of attention from him. But she’ll have to refrain from complaining, “You never take me anywhere.”
stamps about 4 years ago
He’s the light of my life.
Lablubber about 4 years ago
Her last boyfriend was a keeper too. But it turned out his social life was a zoo.
gammaguy about 4 years ago
And then there was the guy who collected old movies, in their original format.
He was a reel keeper.
WCraft Premium Member about 4 years ago
Please don’t encourage the artist to do any more puns. :-)