Pretty recently I read online about Table Rock at Niagara Falls, which looks like the rock structures in this cartoon – or it used to: most of it fell down on a series of dates in the 19th century. The last of it apparently was demolished in 1935. I understand that the Table Rock House for Niagara visitors has been renamed. It’s now Table Rock Welcome Center.
eromlig over 3 years ago
Split level gurus?
Concretionist over 3 years ago
Mom occupies a somewhat more realistic… I mean “Earthly” plane?
Ratkin Premium Member over 3 years ago
Sure, I’ll just hop on over to Mom’s.
Farside99 over 3 years ago
So that’s how the kid learned parkour.
Doug K over 3 years ago
“Why are some fast? And why are some slow? Why are some are high? And why are some low? Why is not one of them like another?”
[See One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr.Seuss.]
Gent over 3 years ago
“What’s there to ask, son? The stork delivered you.”
posse1 Premium Member over 3 years ago
WCraft Premium Member over 3 years ago
I’m betting there is no cell service there so he better be able to shout loudly!
PO' DAWG over 3 years ago
Mom always had veto power.
otforever over 3 years ago
He took a leap of faith.
geese28 over 3 years ago
I can see him getting down but how about up again?
Lablubber over 3 years ago
No. I’m going to be here now.
Robert Carnegie over 3 years ago
Pretty recently I read online about Table Rock at Niagara Falls, which looks like the rock structures in this cartoon – or it used to: most of it fell down on a series of dates in the 19th century. The last of it apparently was demolished in 1935. I understand that the Table Rock House for Niagara visitors has been renamed. It’s now Table Rock Welcome Center.