Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for August 06, 2014
Is Macroeconomics a science? Well, it's a social science, so it's not really predictive like say, chemistry. So, how do you make all those predictions? We have to use somewhat more heuristic techniques than others. Earlier... Eye of Newt and Wing of Flea, What is next year's G-DP?
It’s nowhere near that imprecise. You simply say what they want to hear, collect your check and cash it before reality reveals your error. Then, when confronted with your error, you point to statistical trends and past performance as indicators of how it should have gone, claim no understanding of what went wrong, vow to study the matter further, collect your check and run home with it.Headlines say “Experts Were Surprised”.(A saying that should have been included in the Magic 8-Ball.)