I confess I had to look this title up; it’s an Ernest Hemingway work, and considered by many today to be his best work due to its unconventional writing style for its day. That right there should make the comic’s point clear, but basically its saying that there are times when its good to be grammatically perfect, and there are times when its too suppressive for one’s intent behind writing it. And anyway, readers who spend their time looking at any and all grammatical flaws in a work, deliberate or otherwise, are missing the point, which is, in the end, more important.
I confess I had to look this title up; it’s an Ernest Hemingway work, and considered by many today to be his best work due to its unconventional writing style for its day. That right there should make the comic’s point clear, but basically its saying that there are times when its good to be grammatically perfect, and there are times when its too suppressive for one’s intent behind writing it. And anyway, readers who spend their time looking at any and all grammatical flaws in a work, deliberate or otherwise, are missing the point, which is, in the end, more important.