Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for December 31, 2015
Daddy, why do people in all paintings have one hand tucked inside their shirts? Photos were more expensive back then. So if you needed a picture of yourself, what you'd do is point a gun at a painter and make him paint your portrait. But nobody wants a portrait of himself pointing a gun, so people would hide the gun in their coats while being painted. How does daddy know so much about everything? Daddy's mouth is a cesspool of lies.
Because it’s hard for artists to draw hands? When I destroyed my rotator cuff, broke my clavicle in a few places, broke several ribs in both front and back, and somehow broke my scapula with a perfectly round hole about .38 inches in diameter, I had to carry my arm with my thumb looped over a shirt button for a few years. Some of my orthopedists thought Napoleon had also broken a rotator cuff. Others thought he kept a flask in his jacket.