Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for March 20, 2016
I read that the human brain is faster than a supercomputer! Isn't that amazing? Faster at what? At, like, you know... Computing stuff. What's 2,113,740 times 9,287,554? I don't know, but the human brain can do lots of stuff that's hard for supercomputers. Like, I can look at a picture, and tell you if it's pretty. Then how come it cost more to buy a day of the supercomputer time than to buy a year of a poor person's time? Huh? Maybe the computer is just better at negotiating. Elsewhere... Shouldn't have left your laptop connected, Sally. I have your browser history, Sally. I'll get you more power!
Come up with a computer that understands a poem or comes up with a joke that requires lateral thinking to understand, and you’ll have something.