Look, Gene, I’ll set you up with a suitable future-when-you-grow-up partner if you just go get help.
Reach up and grab the edge. Then maybe a shelf-ish ene will help you.
Dawkins, one of the great comic artists of all time.
just a meat puppet
I love this strip. It’s so random!
August 09, 2014
jimmjonzz Premium Member over 8 years ago
Look, Gene, I’ll set you up with a suitable future-when-you-grow-up partner if you just go get help.
gammaguy over 8 years ago
Reach up and grab the edge. Then maybe a shelf-ish ene will help you.
DLF3275 over 8 years ago
Dawkins, one of the great comic artists of all time.
Grover Premium Member over 8 years ago
just a meat puppet
bigplayray over 4 years ago
I love this strip. It’s so random!