Oh waitsaminute. That was last week’s contest. This week’s is the bottom picture. Okayyyy. Silly ol’ me. He don’t look like a Nigerian but I suppose that’s the gag. Okay, here goes the caption for the above e-caption contest :
“Hello, good sir. I is from the Nigerian Resources Allocation. We allocate resources such as food and drinks, for example, and I is looking for a responsible individual who can supply good gazpacho to us so that we can allocate the same for us poor hungry Nigerian princes. We is going to pays you well for your service in US dollars, and all you needs to do to recieve this payment is to tell us the secret one time code that you just recieved in your inbox.”
Oh waitsaminute. That was last week’s contest. This week’s is the bottom picture. Okayyyy. Silly ol’ me. He don’t look like a Nigerian but I suppose that’s the gag. Okay, here goes the caption for the above e-caption contest :
“Hello, good sir. I is from the Nigerian Resources Allocation. We allocate resources such as food and drinks, for example, and I is looking for a responsible individual who can supply good gazpacho to us so that we can allocate the same for us poor hungry Nigerian princes. We is going to pays you well for your service in US dollars, and all you needs to do to recieve this payment is to tell us the secret one time code that you just recieved in your inbox.”