Draw Doug on a square piece of paper. When you’re done, tear the sheet in half. Then tear each half sheet in half. Now you can say you’ve drawn and quartered Doug.
Pernicious lies! God-Man drew Doug on the sixth day, doodling during a phone call. Then He repented of His work, and through Moses forbade the making of graven images of Doug. But then one day Plato was in his cave making shadow puppets on a sheet on the cave wall, one of which happened to be the lost image of Doug. The image was burned into the sheet, which Plato sent to Turin for safekeeping.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member 3 days ago
Drats, I got Mickey Mouse instead.
Gent 2 days ago
This take too much time. There gotta be a easier way to draws Doug.
phritzg Premium Member 2 days ago
Draw Doug on a square piece of paper. When you’re done, tear the sheet in half. Then tear each half sheet in half. Now you can say you’ve drawn and quartered Doug.
Huckleberry Hiroshima 2 days ago
I don’t read the vertical ones. Did Doug consume a full English breakfast and then take a nap?
fritzoid Premium Member 2 days ago
Pernicious lies! God-Man drew Doug on the sixth day, doodling during a phone call. Then He repented of His work, and through Moses forbade the making of graven images of Doug. But then one day Plato was in his cave making shadow puppets on a sheet on the cave wall, one of which happened to be the lost image of Doug. The image was burned into the sheet, which Plato sent to Turin for safekeeping.
willie_mctell 2 days ago
Modify the code for John Horton Conway’s Life.
dougsathome 2 days ago
I’m Doug. Hope you’re all having a nice day!
danketaz Premium Member 2 days ago
Don’t know where he came from, but shortly a bat will crash through the window heralding the introduction of Bat-Doug. Then it’s DC’s problem.