Bangalee: Exactly what have you found offensive? Besides, don’t you think you are being offensive to suggest I am a freak when you know virtually nothing about me? As for leaving this site, I paid to be here, but if you make a generous offer, I’d consider it.
Withan: Accidents can be preventable; otherwise there’d be a lot more of them. And people can be responsible for accidents, for example, by not shoveling the snow off the sidewalk in front of your house. I do not know how foreseeable the Gulf disaster was, but it IS an accident and BP IS responsible for the consequences.
Bangalee: Exactly what have you found offensive? Besides, don’t you think you are being offensive to suggest I am a freak when you know virtually nothing about me? As for leaving this site, I paid to be here, but if you make a generous offer, I’d consider it.
Withan: Accidents can be preventable; otherwise there’d be a lot more of them. And people can be responsible for accidents, for example, by not shoveling the snow off the sidewalk in front of your house. I do not know how foreseeable the Gulf disaster was, but it IS an accident and BP IS responsible for the consequences.