I was once in Minneapolis in February and froze my butt off! But the natives were talking about how WARM it had gotten at 20F degrees because the week before it had been MINUS 20 and trees were cracking open. It’s a lovely city, but BRRRRRRRRR!
(Meantime, when someone tries to scare you with tales of global warming, remember to what part of the U.S. the main migrations have been occurring for decades. Phoenix recently passed Philadelphia as the sixth largest U.S. city. PHOENIX with 106F in the shade! So who’s afraid of a little global warming!)
pschearer Premium Member almost 16 years ago
I was once in Minneapolis in February and froze my butt off! But the natives were talking about how WARM it had gotten at 20F degrees because the week before it had been MINUS 20 and trees were cracking open. It’s a lovely city, but BRRRRRRRRR!
(Meantime, when someone tries to scare you with tales of global warming, remember to what part of the U.S. the main migrations have been occurring for decades. Phoenix recently passed Philadelphia as the sixth largest U.S. city. PHOENIX with 106F in the shade! So who’s afraid of a little global warming!)
aaronseidman almost 16 years ago
This reminded me of a time I spent the second week of January in Lincoln Nebraska. The day it got up to zero degrees F it seemed positively balmy.
Iphelia almost 16 years ago
I lived in Montana for one year. Longest/coldest/snowiest winter of my life … beautiful though.
Sternvogel almost 16 years ago
Phoenix is actually the fifth most populous city in the USA. Philadelphia is sixth.
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iowaweav almost 16 years ago
The Iowa cold keeps the rif-raf away…and opportunity…and skinny chicks…