“What is The Law?” “Not to eat meat, that is The Law!” “What is The Law?” “Not to walk on all fours, that is The Law!” “What is The Law?” “Not to drink blood, that is The Law!” Surely these beast-men are a “lift” off H.G. Wells’ “Island of Lost Souls”, but Charles Laughton hasn’t made his appearance….yet. Kinda brings out the beast in you, doesn’t it? :)> AaroooooooAGowa!!
“What is The Law?” “Not to eat meat, that is The Law!” “What is The Law?” “Not to walk on all fours, that is The Law!” “What is The Law?” “Not to drink blood, that is The Law!” Surely these beast-men are a “lift” off H.G. Wells’ “Island of Lost Souls”, but Charles Laughton hasn’t made his appearance….yet. Kinda brings out the beast in you, doesn’t it? :)> AaroooooooAGowa!!