So, pouting primrose Casey is going to waltz his ciggy-holder down to Africa and prove (by any means necessary) that Uncle Moneybags is, indeed, gone to join the Choir Celestial.
Rather like setting off to the beach on Labor Day to meet up with one’s friends.
WoodstockJack about 6 years ago
So, pouting primrose Casey is going to waltz his ciggy-holder down to Africa and prove (by any means necessary) that Uncle Moneybags is, indeed, gone to join the Choir Celestial.
Rather like setting off to the beach on Labor Day to meet up with one’s friends.
J Short about 6 years ago
The lawyer is on the horns of a dilemma.
Polsixe about 6 years ago
Jump on the next B.O.A.C flight down to the Congo, one dead body coming up!
Trespassers W about 6 years ago
No joy in Mudville. Casey has struck out.
tripwire45 about 6 years ago
I guess he’s worried the bomb he planted on the plane didn’t work.
rdmacgregor about 6 years ago
I like the horned headdress on the lawyer in the last panel…he is a lawyer, after all.
rdmacgregor about 6 years ago
In London, wouldn’t he have been called a solicitor?
Old Comic Strip Lover about 6 years ago
One might wonder how he became the only heir left.