Ted Rall for July 13, 2000
Adam Smith, call yer office. If you're worth more than $675,000 when you die, they tax the estate. Only 2% of Americans have that much money. Yeah... do you have that new TT in stock? Put me down for 2 in blue. Of that tiny number of estates, most of the taxes paid are paid by a few hundred people: ultra-wealthy plutocrats who never gave away their money before they died. It's outrageous! Those dead rich people worked hard for the money they inherited! Why do tens of millions of citizens want to get rid of a tax paid by 1% of 1% of incredibly rich dead people? You realize, of course, that this means we'll end up paying higher taxes now. Not me... Those education budget cuts are finally paying off. I plan to make so much money that the money I save my kids in estate taxes will cancel out the extra taxes I'm paying now as a non-rich person. Sounds great. Want me to kill you now?