Ted Rall for April 05, 2001
Explained: the reverse causal fallacy The reverse causal is a rhetorical device used to deny a proposed relationship between a social ill and its alleged stimulus. Observe: The shooter was a victim himself. Lots of people have been raped and bullied - but you don't see them shooting kids! The insult zone. Like most such half-truths, it's highly effective, especially since it debunks sweeping causality theories. There: it is proven. There is no relationship whatsoever between rape/bullying and school shootings. Naturally, cause-effect operates over groups rather than individuals. Even majority exceptions don't disprove causation theories. School shooters, somewhat twitchy people, incredibly normal, sane individuals, victims of rape & bullying. RCF reduced abstract, complex statistical analysis to simplistic anecdotal inanities... It never, ever loses. It's cold today. Thus: global warming is over! My friend's dad smoked 80 years and died at 97! Next: another cartoon goes unread