Ted Rall for April 09, 2007
(Man 1: The enemy is cruel. Capricious. Adaptive. We can't defeat them by playing catch-up... only by playing faster catch-up.) Insurgents are using a terrifying new tactic in the war for Iraq. A group calling itself "the democrats" is attacking pipelines that carry cash to the front. (Man 1: They planted the I.E.D.* here between the T-bill joint and the poll valve. We lost at least $123 billion.) (* Impoverishing Economic Device) Some want negotiations to safe-guard the flow of tax dollars. (Man 2: All that money... wasted on... schools!) (Man 3: There won't be a war without those $300,000,000 a day! We have to talk to them!) But officials refuse to negotiate with econo-terrorists. (Bush: Bring it on, suckas! We'll put the war on Dick Cheney's amex!)