Ted Rall for July 09, 2007
Friends: Keep your head down. Don't drink the water! Check in by e-mail. Man: What's the deal? People: The Kyrgyz are thieves! Drunken scum! Tajiks never go there! Woman: This isn't Kyrgystan! Don't eat food from the street!! Man: "This isn't Kyrgyzstan"?! People: Here, the streets are safe! They have bombings and crazy Muslims! And it's so HOT. Man: Think 120¶§ is bad? Wait 'til you feel 140¶§ in the shade! At night! With litter everywhere! Woman: I hope he's not Muslim. They torture Muslim. A true story. My friends worried about my upcoming trip to Tajikistan. In Tajikistan, people told me not to go to Kyrgyzstan. I shared a cab into China with a nervous Kyrgyz family. The Chinese said going to Pakistan was nuts. Pakistanis described India as a hellhole of epic proportions. When it was time to fly from India back to the U.S.: