Ted Rall for October 01, 2007
Congressional Democrats failed to block a Republican measure that requires them to eat poo. (Man: This wouldn't have happened without traitors like Lieberman!) Democrats control Congress. Without 100% of the seats, however, any single GOP legislator can force through a bill that leads to an unappealing meal. (George Bush: Nice show! Winning elections is irrelevant!) (Man 2: Only force of will matters!) A democratic counter-proposal would have made them drink pee. However, too many moderates voted with Republicans for it to pass. (Man 3: All we can do is keeping eating poo and hope it starts to taste good.) Of course, constitutional experts say, the poo-munching is voluntary. (Man 4: We can't risk looking weak! Load up on the stinkiest poo you can find!) (Man 5: More e.coli, please!)