Ted Rall for November 15, 2007
The night of the punter. Mitt Romney wants you to know that he's just an aw-shucks golly-gee, bushy-tailed twinkly-eyed, can-do optimist. (Oh, boy! We're Americans! Yay! (Did that sound gay?) Hi, ho! Hi, ho! It's off to heaven you go!) Rabid insurgents and gi-normous deficits don't stand a chance against Mitt's sunny disposition. A cynic might say that it's easy to be cheerful when you're born filthy rich. (Gosh, I love America! Americans are the greatest! But inside the soul of the former corporate takeover specialist, a titanic struggle is raging... (Let me tell you the story of right-wing/left-wing: It was with this left one that ol'governor Romney struck a blow for abortion rights, the right hand, friends, the one that smites the fags!)