Ted Rall for September 20, 2008
The American presidency is a case study in entropy: each one is worse than the last. Harry Truman- began the cold war, lousy economy, nuked Japan, Korean War, hated at the time... we love him now! There's a reason: upon taking office, new presidents secretly swear to do a worse job than their predecessor. (Bill Clinton: You want me to have sex with an intern?) (Man: You're gonna hafata screw up big time to be worse than Carter, Reagan, and Bush.) Continuously declining presidential quality ensures that each president is fondly remembered by history. (Man 2: Verily, that mountebank Tyler makes one long for Van Buren.) (Man 3: Nixon makes LBJ look like a peacenik.) (Woman: Clinton makes Nixon look like a paragon of truth.) Washington and Jefferson had it easy! Only the truly gifted can perpetuate our traditional downward spiral. (George Bush: You'll see... you're gonna miss me!)