Ted Rall for January 07, 2013
Coming Soon: The chained consumer price index, which saves the govt. money on social security by changing the way inflation is calculated. Can't afford steak due to higher prices? The chained CPI assumes you'll switch to ground beef. Presto: 0% inflation! If ground beef gets too expensive, they'll assume you'll eat liver or spam. Inflation: still zero. What if you get priced out of meat entirely? Technocrats say you'll be just fine with pasta. Sorry, old follks- no C.O.L.A. If you can't come up with enough money to keep up with empty carb prices, your govt. thinks you should consider water. Still no inflation. Of course, they charge for H2O now. So if that's beyond your budget, there's always... A.K.A. "proletariat steak"