Ted Rall for September 12, 2013
Are you having difficulty maintaing popularity after elections? Experiencing low war drive? Feeling less powerful? You may be suffereing from Low P (low popularity.) (Barack Obama: Public option... sure... immigration reform... whatever.) What's ahead? Hair loss. Loss of vigor. EVen legislative impotence. You don't have to live like this. (Man: Obama? That wimp can't get his bills up- no matter how much teleprompter he uses!) (Man 2: He has 2" of credibility!) (Woman: Low political capital count... cough... cough.) You never know when the time is right. With FAR (Force Authorization Resolution), you're always ready. Then, when the national mood comes around, you'll be your old virile self. (Barack Obama: I get it. You're not in the mood right now. But that could change. Then watch my missiles fly!) (Woman: Ok, why not?) Far: Be ready when the time is right. (Barack Obama: More dead kids! Killed by physical weapons! Syria must diiieeee!!) If you have an insurrection lasting more than four years, call your broker.