Ted Rall for January 10, 2014
Straight from the blogs, it's Ridiculous pro-Obamacare talking points. How dumb must you be to not know how to use a website?!? (Man: All you need is a little PCA and multidimensional scaling to hack it.) (Woman: Edward Snowden could do it!) So what if your rates went up? You'll get subsidies. (Man 2: My subsidies are smaller than my rate increase.) (Man 3: Yeah, but subsidies.) If your rates are higher, it's because you live in an expensive county and/or you're old and/or you smoke. (Woman: My rates are low. You should move to where I live) Don't be selfish! Other people's rates are going down. (Man 4: So, in an alternative universe, my rates are lower?) (Woman: Yes! You should move there.)