Ted Rall for April 08, 2016
What's wrong with San Francisco is what's wrong with the United States. Take Bart from SFO to the East bay and you'll pay almost $10. One way! (It's $2.75 anywhere in NYC). About Bart: Trains are really old. No A/C. Constant Delays. The system is about to collapse. Busses, Muni- Ditto. The SF bay area is the center of the tech boom. Where is all the money going? Companies like google are in the burbs. SF companies like Twitter pay low taxes. Mostly, it's cuz people put up with it. The SF bay area is the center of the tech boom. Where is all the money going? Companies like google are in the burbs. SF companies like Twitter pay low taxes. SF: Massive wealth and massive poverty and homelessness. Mostly, it's cuz people put up with it.