Click-to-enlarge image can be found here or at the only work, so far, by this artist to appear in Mr. Melcher’s blog.Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte as First Consul (click link for his Wikipedia page, has First Consul link) was sold at auction (different coloration image, Lot Notes has description) and later donated (may be slow to fully load, Google partial translation, the images at the end of course remain in French) to its current-location.Another different coloration image can be found here, and a click-to-enlarge image of a very similar painting by this artist can be found here (has painting current-location). The artist’s Wikipedia page (the Google translated Italian Wikipedia page has more) and collection (more under Subcategories).P.S. Probably painted at least 5 years later than shown here.
Click-to-enlarge image can be found here or at the only work, so far, by this artist to appear in Mr. Melcher’s blog.Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte as First Consul (click link for his Wikipedia page, has First Consul link) was sold at auction (different coloration image, Lot Notes has description) and later donated (may be slow to fully load, Google partial translation, the images at the end of course remain in French) to its current-location.Another different coloration image can be found here, and a click-to-enlarge image of a very similar painting by this artist can be found here (has painting current-location). The artist’s Wikipedia page (the Google translated Italian Wikipedia page has more) and collection (more under Subcategories).P.S. Probably painted at least 5 years later than shown here.