A somewhat enlarged image can be found at the only work, by this artist, so far, to appear in Mr. Melcher’s blog (yesterday). Again, it is a cropped image. A larger, less cropped image can be found here.The Council of the Royal Academy selecting Pictures for the Exhibition (link shows its Wikipedia page) is shown, with a different coloration full image, and described, by its current-location page.From the description:
right to left the artists shown are: J.E. Millais (seated in foreground), G. Richmond, F. Leighton, J.F. Lewis, E.M. Ward (standing), F. Grant, T. Faed, R. Redgrave (sitting behind Faed), E. Armitage (standing), J.R. Horsley, P.H. Calderon with J.C. Hook leaning over him. Sir F. Eaton, the Secretary is writing at the desk. The artist stands behind Armitage.There is no J.R. Horsley listed by the Royal Academy (RA); so, I pointed to the Wikipedia page of J.C. Horsley (RA Academician by that time) instead for that name (have notified the RA; their description may reflect that change in the future).A different coloration image can be found here, and a click-to-enlarge, different coloration image can be found here. The artist’s Wikipedia page and collection.First work, by this artist, to appear here.
A somewhat enlarged image can be found at the only work, by this artist, so far, to appear in Mr. Melcher’s blog (yesterday). Again, it is a cropped image. A larger, less cropped image can be found here.The Council of the Royal Academy selecting Pictures for the Exhibition (link shows its Wikipedia page) is shown, with a different coloration full image, and described, by its current-location page.From the description:
right to left the artists shown are: J.E. Millais (seated in foreground), G. Richmond, F. Leighton, J.F. Lewis, E.M. Ward (standing), F. Grant, T. Faed, R. Redgrave (sitting behind Faed), E. Armitage (standing), J.R. Horsley, P.H. Calderon with J.C. Hook leaning over him. Sir F. Eaton, the Secretary is writing at the desk. The artist stands behind Armitage.There is no J.R. Horsley listed by the Royal Academy (RA); so, I pointed to the Wikipedia page of J.C. Horsley (RA Academician by that time) instead for that name (have notified the RA; their description may reflect that change in the future).A different coloration image can be found here, and a click-to-enlarge, different coloration image can be found here. The artist’s Wikipedia page and collection.First work, by this artist, to appear here.