A click-to-enlarge image can be found at the only work, by this artist, so far, to appear in Mr. Melcher’s blog (yesterday). Recruits Departure isn’t, as far as I can tell, currently shown online by its current-location.At least, that’s where this says it is. I wish I could better see who (a priest?) is on the hill, overlooking them – am wondering why the artist included that. His Google translated German Wikipedia page and collection.First work, by this artist, to appear here.
A click-to-enlarge image can be found at the only work, by this artist, so far, to appear in Mr. Melcher’s blog (yesterday). Recruits Departure isn’t, as far as I can tell, currently shown online by its current-location.At least, that’s where this says it is. I wish I could better see who (a priest?) is on the hill, overlooking them – am wondering why the artist included that. His Google translated German Wikipedia page and collection.First work, by this artist, to appear here.