Tea and sympathy may work for some/ but Griselda is ever so glum../ Suzanne thinks what’s needed/ (let’s hope she is heeded)/ is a fifth of Jamaican rum..///Since Adalbert turned his attention/ to another, whose name we won’t mention/ her chief consolation/ is inebriation/ which she takes to another dimension///But the passage of time will show/ what her cute friend Suzanne seems to know:/ that men are like trains../big engines – no brains/ and they come just as fast as they go…
Tea and sympathy may work for some/ but Griselda is ever so glum../ Suzanne thinks what’s needed/ (let’s hope she is heeded)/ is a fifth of Jamaican rum..///Since Adalbert turned his attention/ to another, whose name we won’t mention/ her chief consolation/ is inebriation/ which she takes to another dimension///But the passage of time will show/ what her cute friend Suzanne seems to know:/ that men are like trains../big engines – no brains/ and they come just as fast as they go…