Thatababy by Paul Trap for August 05, 2015
thatababy: and, like, the red skull, like, grabs captain america with a, like, giant robotlike claw, and then, like, lifts him over a, like, volcano...and then, like, the teacher, like, said if we finished our work-sheets, like, early, then like, early recess! like, joey said, like, if i ate, like an entire worm, he'd, like, give me his lunch money for like, a whole week! i can't wait 'til i learn how to talk so i can, like, drive me parents crazy!
Who, like, says “like” between their sentences these days? I know Shaggy of “Scooby-Doo”, like" said it all the time, but that was, like, a 1970s cartoon.