[Out of the mouths of babes, a solution to F-Troop’s problems is blurted out by the Sergeant’s fairly dim Corporal. Though it’s up to the Sgt. to recognize it.]
O’Rourke: "I don’t know why everyone says you’re so dumb.
[Smash cut to entirely different scenery, obviously quite a while has passed]
[Out of the mouths of babes, a solution to F-Troop’s problems is blurted out by the Sergeant’s fairly dim Corporal. Though it’s up to the Sgt. to recognize it.]
O’Rourke: "I don’t know why everyone says you’re so dumb.
[Smash cut to entirely different scenery, obviously quite a while has passed]
Agarn: “WHO SAYS I’M DUMB???”