The Awkward Yeti by Nick Seluk for December 21, 2014
Heart: Merry Christmas! Brain: Shh! You're supposed to say "Happy Holidays" Heart: But the other holidays don't have Santa Claus! Brain: The other holidays have fun traditions, too. You just aren't familiar with them. Heart: Then let's celebrate ALL OF THEM! Heart: To be clear- we'll get presents for all of them right?
“Happy Holidays” is nice, it’s all inclusive and covers the fact that most in the US celebrate more than one (Christmas & New Years, Chanukah & New Years, Solstice & New Years).
Merry Christmas is fine, no one should be offended as Christmas exists as both a legal holiday and a religious one. It makes more sense to reserve this greeting for the actual day (&/or eve) of Christmas, just as typically save “happy birthday” for the occasion of the persons birthday.
All should remember that a greeting starting with Happy, Joyous, or Merry should be accepted as a wish for good things and no reason for offense.
In closing: Happy Holidays to all