Even if you don’t carrot all about music, there’s no reason to stew…
Plenty of other a-peeling things in the city…
if you dig a little, some of your relatives may even turnip.
You have a load of them to meet… cilantro, parsley, fennel, dill …. but not all the herbs.
Sorry, there’s no thyme.
Hate to change gears in the middle here…. but I have to share this….
Looked in Wikipedia to find more carrot relatives, and found this great information!
" …. the belief that eating carrots improves night vision is a myth put forward by the British in World War II to mislead the enemy about their military capabilities. "
Wow! I mean…. who knew?
They’re pointy, yeah, but not explosive…. I wouldn’t think you could shoot them, or drop them like bombs.
I’m amazed just thinking about the military capabilities of carrots!!
Even if you don’t carrot all about music, there’s no reason to stew…
Plenty of other a-peeling things in the city…
if you dig a little, some of your relatives may even turnip.You have a load of them to meet… cilantro, parsley, fennel, dill …. but not all the herbs.
Sorry, there’s no thyme.
Hate to change gears in the middle here…. but I have to share this….
Looked in Wikipedia to find more carrot relatives, and found this great information!
" …. the belief that eating carrots improves night vision is a myth put forward by the British in World War II to mislead the enemy about their military capabilities. "
Wow! I mean…. who knew?
They’re pointy, yeah, but not explosive…. I wouldn’t think you could shoot them, or drop them like bombs.
I’m amazed just thinking about the military capabilities of carrots!!