When I was very small, I liked to play in large, empty cardboard boxes. I would pretend they were small houses, or caves, or rocket ships. The best boxes were those that large refrigerators came in.
My father worked the night shift at that time, and when he got off work early in the AM hours, he would drove by the local appliance store to check for big cardboard boxes to sometimes bring home to me.
Such a nice “dad” thing to do. He would cut openings in the boxes to serve as play windows and doors, according to my specifications. I would bring pillows and blankets inside, and often take naps in there.
I liked and appreciated those boxes more than any fancy toys he could have bought me. (Thanks, Dad!)
When I was very small, I liked to play in large, empty cardboard boxes. I would pretend they were small houses, or caves, or rocket ships. The best boxes were those that large refrigerators came in.
My father worked the night shift at that time, and when he got off work early in the AM hours, he would drove by the local appliance store to check for big cardboard boxes to sometimes bring home to me.
Such a nice “dad” thing to do. He would cut openings in the boxes to serve as play windows and doors, according to my specifications. I would bring pillows and blankets inside, and often take naps in there.
I liked and appreciated those boxes more than any fancy toys he could have bought me. (Thanks, Dad!)