Foxes can be beautiful animals, but they can also be disease ridden. I’ve had mange ridden foxes on my property and last year a local fox had a broken leg. I haven’t seen him yet this year. My cat often had confrontations with foxes, but they ran like L if my dog spotted one.
There are reasons we have stereotypes, but that also means there can be exceptions. I chuckle when the Neighborhood app had people warning others that a fox walked across their yard. I tell them, good. Coyotes often chase off foxes, so it is better to see the fox than the Yote.
ʲᔆ over 1 year ago
you’d think such a sly feller could come up with a cunning way to reassure the other critters that there’s nothing to fear
perhaps he and Rory can engineer a clever scheme
GROG Premium Member over 1 year ago
What type of stereo are you?
ddl297 over 1 year ago
“I’ll protect you, littles ones! Here, hide in my mouth – uh, I mean, this big cave!”
cdward over 1 year ago
I like foxes, but if you’re a mouse or a chicken, there’s something to be said for stereotyping.
akachman Premium Member over 1 year ago
I’m a woman doctor. If I’m serious, I’m a bi***. Word: I listen better than my male counterparts. Hang in there, Fox.
Egrayjames over 1 year ago
Foxes can be beautiful animals, but they can also be disease ridden. I’ve had mange ridden foxes on my property and last year a local fox had a broken leg. I haven’t seen him yet this year. My cat often had confrontations with foxes, but they ran like L if my dog spotted one.
Doug Taylor Premium Member over 1 year ago
Zebrastripes over 1 year ago
Yeah! We are not the typical farm animals.
We have adventures, we can talk, be entrepreneurs, and be amusing!
ladykat over 1 year ago
I can’t picture Rory bounding.
ChazNCenTex over 1 year ago
I thought toads caused warts, not frogs.
car2ner over 1 year ago
There are reasons we have stereotypes, but that also means there can be exceptions. I chuckle when the Neighborhood app had people warning others that a fox walked across their yard. I tell them, good. Coyotes often chase off foxes, so it is better to see the fox than the Yote.