I was just listening to a podcast about how Bigfoot is definitely real. I just listened to one that explains exactly why he can't be real. Do you want to listen to mine? No! Why would I listen to a bunch of lies?
Cognitive dissonance. Any credible evidence you offer that refutes a deeply held belief will be declared invalid, no matter how much contortion is required to recast it as invalid. In addition, your perfectly valid contrary evidence will actually result in a stronger false belief. Human’s are useless and dangerous. Now where is that giant meteor?
bigfootloch nessethnicityglobal warming/climate changepolitical partyreligionsocial justiceeconomicson & on we goand the only reason? imhois that we can appear (at least in our own eyes) superior.mankind will be clickish/tribal even if they have to ‘make something up’ in order to be. wanting to belong, wanting to feel superior, wanting to be right, and the fear of not being – can drive us to quibble and fight and try to prove that me and my group is better than you and your group and if you don’t believe that than you are a “____________” so there! mentality that rocks our world and divides us seemingly more each day. saddenedby.(and of course you who might decide to read this may decide to tell me how wrong i am and will explain to me how much I need to change my thinking to you and yours and thus probably prove my point) lol
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 8 years ago
These two are clearly destined for politics.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 8 years ago
Cognitive dissonance. Any credible evidence you offer that refutes a deeply held belief will be declared invalid, no matter how much contortion is required to recast it as invalid. In addition, your perfectly valid contrary evidence will actually result in a stronger false belief. Human’s are useless and dangerous. Now where is that giant meteor?
Comic Minister Premium Member over 8 years ago
Hee hee hee!
slsharris over 8 years ago
Toby’s friends make him look intelligent and good looking…
Saddenedby Premium Member over 8 years ago
bigfootloch nessethnicityglobal warming/climate changepolitical partyreligionsocial justiceeconomicson & on we goand the only reason? imhois that we can appear (at least in our own eyes) superior.mankind will be clickish/tribal even if they have to ‘make something up’ in order to be. wanting to belong, wanting to feel superior, wanting to be right, and the fear of not being – can drive us to quibble and fight and try to prove that me and my group is better than you and your group and if you don’t believe that than you are a “____________” so there! mentality that rocks our world and divides us seemingly more each day. saddenedby.(and of course you who might decide to read this may decide to tell me how wrong i am and will explain to me how much I need to change my thinking to you and yours and thus probably prove my point) lol