Wait a minute! Hey, davesmithsit, how about a spell check!
Come on, that’s one of the points of this “mindless sarcasm”!
Are you kidding? “critisism”? (criticism) “critisising” (criticizing) the constitution” (Constitution) “thats” (that’s) the tea partiers (part-iers) Thats make (grammar!) washington (Washington) const.(?)
Don’t get huffy if you can’t take the time to SPELL!
Wait a minute! Hey, davesmithsit, how about a spell check! Come on, that’s one of the points of this “mindless sarcasm”!
Are you kidding? “critisism”? (criticism) “critisising” (criticizing) the constitution” (Constitution) “thats” (that’s) the tea partiers (part-iers) Thats make (grammar!) washington (Washington) const.(?)
Don’t get huffy if you can’t take the time to SPELL!