The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for May 29, 2005
Person: What rhymes with Celebrex? Man: Multiplex? Woman: Celotex? Man 2: Who's your ex? Woman 2: Cash my checks? Ms. Overdunne: Uh....what is going on here? Man: We're working on our new Elderrapper's CD-"Old And In Your Face." Woman: So you think our patient pace won't give us time to win the race? Well, like the tortoise beat the hare we're gonna whup you fair 'n' square! Ms. Overdunne: Elderpark facilities are for dignified activities...crochet....croquet...macrame' Woman: Crochet...croquet...macrame... Woman 2: Ain't no way to spend the day!!! Ms. Overdunne: Ladies!! We need to have a conversation! Women: Conversation? No...declaration! What you need is a long vacation!!