The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for February 12, 2023
Dusty: Hey Perfessor... 'member when you referred ta mah having a PEZ made of mah head as narcoleptic? Professor: I believe I said "narcissistic." Dusty: Same dif'rence. Anyway, Ah got ta thinkin' ya may be right... so Ah had a bobblehead made of me on a buckin' bronco, instead. Professor: How's that any less pompous than a PEZ dispenser? Dusty: This time, everyone gits one! Bring 'em in, Pete! Ah had 100 of 'em made! Ah'll even autograph the first 50! Professor: Pride goeth before the fall... Dusty: Fall? It's still the summer, ya cowpoke. Lemme make this one to, "Mah favorite know-it-all, The Perfessor."
Just which side of the horse does the Pez come out?!?