The Knight Life by Keith Knight for October 05, 2016
October 04, 2016
October 06, 2016
We got a call about a kid stuck in a tree?
KN: Right this way!!
You must be more used to rescuing cats from trees...
Not lately!!
Every since the great espressos epidemic kids have out numbered cats
7 to 1!!
OMG, I must be living in a Bay Area Bubble. Sometimes it takes a morning comic to wake me up! I’ve always been against sugar in cereals but now have to worry about kids having caffeine, too? Maybe we need to move beyond a Soda Tax to a Junk Cereal Tax. I fear for our future!
OMG, I must be living in a Bay Area Bubble. Sometimes it takes a morning comic to wake me up! I’ve always been against sugar in cereals but now have to worry about kids having caffeine, too? Maybe we need to move beyond a Soda Tax to a Junk Cereal Tax. I fear for our future!