tobenamedlater: I don’t know. I think “Woman Is….” is a powerful song, and has a more pressing message even today than “Imagine.” But then I also love his primal scream stuff.
Let’s also not forget that although it might seem at first glance to be the other way around, it was John who wrote “Dear Prudence” and Paul who wrote “Helter Skelter” for the White Album. John wasn’t above cheap sentiment and Paul occasionally had a bit of an edge to him.
tobenamedlater: I don’t know. I think “Woman Is….” is a powerful song, and has a more pressing message even today than “Imagine.” But then I also love his primal scream stuff.
Let’s also not forget that although it might seem at first glance to be the other way around, it was John who wrote “Dear Prudence” and Paul who wrote “Helter Skelter” for the White Album. John wasn’t above cheap sentiment and Paul occasionally had a bit of an edge to him.