Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for October 09, 1999
we all know that children love cuddly animals almost as much as they love cutting-edge biomedical research. watch your children;s eyes light up as these two interested are combined in a new line of books for young readers. from doogie the smartest little genetically altered mouse "that's right, peons! do my bidding!" from curious rhesus curious rhesus wondered what would happen to his eye movements if a lesion were administered to his dorsomedial frontal cortex. maybe his friend the man in the white coat could help. from dolly has two mommies but how could two lady sheep, living together in an alternative lifestyle, have a biological baby without the participation of a man sheep? they went to see a scottish geneticist. from the giving baboob so the baboon said, would you like a heart? how about a kidney?