Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 07, 2004
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Lucky Ducky The Poor Little Duck Who's Rich In Luck ELECTRO-CO H. Hound, C.E.O. Hound: Now here's a way to get that Lucky Ducky! I'll fraudulently manipulate the energy market... Hound: ...and his inflated energy bills will line MY pockets! Hound: It's working! He can't even afford to light his hovel! Secretary: Mr. Hound, Vice President Cheney wants you on his energy task force! Dick Cheney: So, how should we explain these skyrocketing energy prices? Hound: Blame environmental regulations, Dick! WINK Dick Cheney: Brilliant! Hound: Ho! Now I take Lucky Ducky's money AND foul his air! I finally WIN! Meanwhile... Dick Cheney: That oil company executive is good people, Judge Scalia! QUACK Judge Scalia: Yes, bringing us on this hunting trip was great of him, Dick! Dick Cheney: Especially since YOU'RE going to decide whether I have to release details of my energy task force! Judge Scalia: Look! Lucky Ducky: Hiya, bub. Hound: Pay your electricity bill! Lucky Ducky: I'm not gonna have to pay this bill! Hound: WHY NOT? Lucky Ducky: It's duck season! BAM BAM BAM Lucky Ducky: Gotcha! Hound: Lucky Ducky! END