Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 24, 2007
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Presents: News of the Times Palmer Leaves Mansen Mansen Fans Distraught Ted Palmer has opted to leave Mansen Electrical Supply, Inc., where he has been a key player in the accounting department for ten years, to sign for a 25% raise at J&J Supply Services, Inc.! MANSEN ELEC DELIVERIES POLICE GOODBYE, PALMER Man: Go ahead, ya bum! Voice: Palmer! Man #2: Enjoy yer MONEY! Man: My family's been Mansen Electrical Supply, Inc., fans for years! If being on the team means nothing to Palmer, then good riddance! Man: My kid's got a signed quarterly earnings statement from Palmer! But does he take my kid's feelings into account when he decides where to work? No! MANSEN Man: What are tehy going to do, move Lisa Siebold up from accounts receivables? Get real! We're a second-division electrical supply company next year! Woman: It's a shame -- I guess with accountants these days, it's all about things like MONEY...and FAMILY! Man: Ah, he sucks! I still blame Palmer's late 2004 accounting slump for Rylant Services' 4Q surge past Mansen in net earnings! Athlete: Sadly, it's clear that the way Palmer makes his living is a BUSINESS to him!