Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 16, 2008
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Our ratings are in the basement! So, we're rolling out the new, improved C-SPAN -- all sports, all the time! We ain't gonna bore you with dull lawmaking, or tedious investigations into the illegal activities of the Bush administration (Yawn!)...Get ready for CSPAN CONGRESSCENTER Tonight on C-SPAN: 7pm Boo-Yah! Roger Clemens Watch the renowned pitcher and bat thrower defend himself against accusations of steroids and HGH use! 9pm Awesome, Baby! Bill Belichick Did the coach you love to hate cheat in a football game? Your tax dollars will help find out...or not! And soon on C-SPAN: Arlen "Beware the" Specter (R-Pa.) in a star-studded investigation into whether Mickey Mantle absued "greenies" in his storied 1956 season. Arlen: May I remind you, Billy Crystal, you are UNDER OATH! Henry "Brazilian" Waxman (D-Ca.) investigates the authenticity of Michael Jordan's commercial endorsements. Henry: Okay, "Air", snap up that elastic band -- let's see that Hanes label! John Tierney "of the Majority" (D-Ma.) investigates whether the Washington Generals took a fall to the Harlem Globetrotters in a game he saw when he was eleven years old. John: I want ANSWERS, Curly!