Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for January 09, 2010
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Married Ladies: I'll Give You What Your Husbands DON'T ...For A Price We meet discreetly at a hotel, the room registered under my name. Your husband will never know. I'll cook the dinner. Just you and I -- no Blackberries, iPhones, sports scores, or beer. Man: I know how you like artichokes... Can your husband converse like this - Man: Oh, perfect! She's the one who couldn't be bothered to drop Timmy off after the sleepover! Woman: I know! Or this - Man: She said WHAT? Last month, your mother couldn't WAIT to visit Sharon! Woman: That's right! Building to this - Man: Now, I've been thinking about afterschool activities for the fall. First, for Jenna, there's an art class... Woman: Ohh Finally, to bed. Here's where I REALLY know just what you want. What you need. I turn out the lights, lean over, and whisper: CLICK Man: You've had a hard day. You should go right to sleep. Woman: ZZZ Just leave the money on the dresser. I'll clean up and take the garbage out.
I refer you to today’d “Non-Sequitor” strip.