Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for May 24, 2013

  1. Ricky ricardo oh lucy
    edclectic  over 11 years ago

    Tricky and Dicky…republithug or demorat, they’re ALL scum.

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    webgrunt  over 11 years ago

    A few things you might not know about Nixon:

    —OSHA created

    —EPA created

    —Clean Air Act passed

    —CETA – Got lots of poor kids good jobs

    —Title IX – Major step toward equal rights for women

    — Opened relations with China

    —Improved relations with the Mideast and began peace talks there

    — Initiated détente and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with the Soviet Union (tried to end the cold war)

    —Ended the Vietnam war (though did escalate it first)

    — Started to give more power to states to make their own laws

    —Launched the War on Cancer

    —Started school desegregation

    —Reduced inflation (until it rose again as a result of the oil cartels)

    —Reduced the crime rate

    —Created the Supplemental Security Income Program

    —Established the Consumer Product Safety Commission

    —Signed the National Environmental Policy Act

    —Signed the Federal Water Pollution Control Act amendments of 1972

    —Established the Council on Environmental Quality.

    And he did all these things while cutting billions of dollars in government spending.

    He was a criminal and an arrogant bastard, but it seems to me he was firmly on the side of the people rather than big business. I’m not aware of any other president who created so many protections for the working man, the free market, the environment, world peace and the general welfare of the people in such a short time as Nixon did.

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    rini1946  over 11 years ago

    sorry that little thing like breaking into the campain office of the other party does not compare to getting 3 people killed and then lying about it . It more of clinton thing I did not show paula jones my parts or ed kenndy I did not know she was in the car

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    Kenneth Books Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Amazing the lengths to which left-wing moonbats will go to try to diminish the seriousness of Obama. They know he’s the most corrupt and incompetent president of all time, but he’s THEIR most corrupt and incompetent president of all time.

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    bgerard  over 11 years ago

    @Kenneth BrooksKeep drinking the right wing Kool-AID!

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    Kenneth Books Premium Member over 11 years ago

    bgerard and anthony 2816, welcome to moonbatland. I see bgerard uses the standard liberal tactic when he has no argument and simply calls names while a 2816 prefers to let “presidential scholars” (professors at American universities where, of course, absolutely no liberal bias exists) do his thinking for him. I prefer to believe my eyes and mind. I assume both of you actually do have eyes.

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  7. Baltimore city and inner harbor
    Dr Lou Premium Member over 11 years ago

    To keep the false right wing analogy going to Nixon is absurd and regretful. Obama has created lots of opportunities for cartoon satire….Nixon is not one of them

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    Kenneth Books Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Sorry, Anthony, but if you had any brains, you’d realize what a fool you’re exposing yourself to be. Incidentally, I have a master’s degree, yet I’m still capable of thinking for myself. But, then, that’s not a point you bothered to address, was it, preferring to backtrack into left-wing elitism.

    If you are older than 5, you are an idiot.

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    Kenneth Books Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Thank you, Radish. You made your point by insulting me. Excellent, intelligent work. Your screen name, which, unlike me, you hide behind, is a perfect description of your level of development.

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    Kenneth Books Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Night-Gaunt49, I’m not sure what you’re trying to say because you communicate so poorly: “Too many Right and Reich wingers like business better than in education.”

    Despite your obvious illiteracy, I gather you are trying to insult me by implying I’m a Nazi. I expected that, as liberals have no ideas and do not recognize facts. But your ignorance of the Third Reich is appalling. It was a left-wing government, just like you’d enjoy.

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  11. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 11 years ago

    “Yes: liberalism is indeed a mental disorder. I truly feel sorrow for them.”That’s a strange sentiment, since feeling sorry for the less fortunate is a liberal trait, not generally seen in conservatives.

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    Kenneth Books Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Anthony, I certainly hope you don’t practice in Florida if, indeed, you’re really an MD. Education does not lead to liberalism. Education leads to realism. College leads to brainwashing.When I sent my daughter to an excellent college in Massachusetts, she was an intelligent young woman with a lively intellect, capable of arguing a point with logic and reason and of thinking for herself. When she came home the first Christmas, they had already turned her into a myrmidon, parroting the talking points of the left (otherwise know as elitism and whining).I, too, was brainwashed in college. Fortunately, unlike you, I thought, read and learned. I discovered liberalism simply leads to less freedom. So, for that matter, does conservatism, although it’s less dangerous because it doesn’t try to hogtie the economy. By the time I was 30, I was a Libertarian.Alas, you have learned nothing other than to let others think for you. What a wonderful MD you must be.

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    Kenneth Books Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I just read, laughing, the idiotic Anthony comment that liberals feel sorry for the “less fortunate.” It tells me many things. One, it tells me Anthony is a hypocrite, as he believes the “less fortunate” can be helped by taking more and more of their freedom and taxing them to death to do it. Two, it tells me he believes success is a matter of good fortune, rather than hard work.Typical liberal, unable to see reality.

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    Kenneth Books Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Jimjammer, good analogy. I like to bait mindless liberals (sorry for the redundancy) just for sport because they never come up with an actual argument, preferring to spout slogans and tell you they’re better than you are.I always say if Obama went into a McDonalds and gunned everyone down, liberals such as Anthony would praise his marksmanship.

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    kapock  over 11 years ago

    Pray with me, Henry … I mean, Hillary.

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    Kenneth Books Premium Member over 11 years ago

    First of all, I’m not lying about your beliefs. You said you’re a liberal. Thus, you wish to “redistribute income” and “help the less fortunate,” which always amounts to taking individual freedom and giving more power to governmental predators.Second, I was, as you said, brainwashed in college. But, unlike you, I was willing to think for myself and managed to overcome the brainwashing. Too bad you’re not smart or honest enough to do the same.Also, I never discourage people from going to college. I simply encourage them to use their minds rather than parroting what they’ve been told, as you do, and citing questionable resources to back up their “opinions,” since they have no actual thoughts of their own. My daughter, fortunately, shed the ignorance her professors put into her mind because she is highly intelligent.And I have been honest about my beliefs. I guess that’s just too much to expect from a myrmidon, huh? The “education” you got apparently didn’t train you to think for yourself. Money wasted.

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    kapock  over 11 years ago

    This is actually a nuanced perspective by Ruben, sure to drive certain types bonkers.

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  18. Weaponbrown4
    andrew_c  over 11 years ago

    I don’t quite get why certain commentators seem to think this is making excuses for Obama, when it is quite clearly castigating him and pointing out how his actions are worse than those of one of the most commonly reviled presidents.

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    Withan  over 11 years ago

    Nixon DID NOT order the burglaries, but found out about them afterwards.

    Nixon DID NOT order the IRS to harras anyone, but wondered about its legality, since the White House had discovered that Johnson had done so.

    I’m not sure, but I think the only bugging was the one that got him caught: his own office. Too bad he didn’t seize the AP and any opposing news organizations’ phone records: he could have gotten away scot free!

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    Withan  over 11 years ago

    And Obama didn’t fire the IRS chief, he asked for the resignation of the acting chief three weeks before he was due to step down, insuring he will receive all his benefits and pension.

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