Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for May 16, 2014

  1. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 10 years ago

    once again the very wealthy, yor stinkin’ rich, has bought themselves a congress, who bow down to them since by being a “public servant” they too are becoming "the stinkin’ rich too. Everyone else, bennndover.

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  2. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member over 10 years ago

    URL=Uses the Rich Lane?

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  3. Js
    mightyfrog  over 10 years ago

    I assure you the hacker community will not go quietly into this good night. And, I would not want to be on the receiving end of their wrath.

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  4. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  over 10 years ago

    Don’t they have Eunuchs in this kingdom?

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  5. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  over 10 years ago

    But it was Obama, not Congress, who appointed Tom Wheeler to head the FCC, despite protests that Wheeler had a history of lobbying for the communications industry. The fox to guard the henhouse?There are times I regret voting for Pres. Obama.

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  6. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Next thing you know, they’re going to charge you for cleaner water…wait, never mind.

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  7. Photo
    Zesty  over 3 years ago

    There it is. Nut neutrality in a netshell.

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